Insane German Enthusiasm & What This Channel Will Be About

10 months ago

Hi there!

This is my first video, first time doing this, talking to a camera & saying stuff.
So please excuse that I still have to warm up to this, that it might seem as if I lacked enthusiasm, and that the audio and video are far from optimal yet.
This will all be fixed in the unlikely case that a significant number of people will end up watching my videos.

In this video, I give a little introduction to the main two things I want this channel to be about (right now, maybe it'll change):

1) a non-American perspective on American issues. (Don't get mad, I explain in the video why I think this makes sense, even if you're a proud patriot who doesn't care about what non-Americans think.)

2) some German and European issues, especially those which may be interesting to you someday. Because for a long time, the US has exported new things to the world (lately also very bad things like BLM, gender ideology etc). Now it looks like we might be exporting some of our things (for instance: Islamism coming to a place near you).

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