A Tribute to the Heroes and Victims of 9/11

8 months ago

Hello everybody, Bryce with the Project Tribute Foundation here. Before this morning, I honestly wasn't sure what to do in order to pay a proper tribute and homage to the heroes and victims of 9/11. Until I saw a video posted by retired Green Beret Tim Kennedy. In today's podcast, I'll share with you what he said, and share with you some of the most heroic, and tragic stories of September 11, 2001. It's important that we remember what happened on this day all those years ago, because though many in my generation were too young to remember, we all made a promise to those who sacrificed their lives that day: Never Forget.

Join me in hearing some of their stories. Viewer discretion is advised. If you or a loved one are struggling with mental health issues, please call the 988 hotline and talk with someone. We are here for you, and you are not forgotten.

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