Dudes Clips | New Zealander John Money & Gender Ideology (4K)

1 year ago

Magnus Hirschfeld, Alferd Kinsey and John Money are single-handedly responsible for the degeneracy path western civilisation has gone down with sexual liberation (enslavement) of hedonism.

Today, we are focused on John Money. He is the father of "Gender Identity". He is also known as a prolific p*do, sadomasochist (and much worse) who tried to impose "his ideas" onto a family and two children, he destroyed their lives collectively in his failed experiment. Now, in 2023, we see a continuation of his work and a hurried history of this New Zealanders atrocities.

When you lack a spirituality component to you to understand life is bigger than you, your sexuality, career and own self gratification evil appears.

(D)Evil is Un-surrendered will - PRIDE. To not see past yourself. It refuses to give one self up for a higher purpose that does not serve themselves. They consider themselves “their god”, the “my truth”, selfishness instead of selflessness that does better for the common+unity, over yourself.

As a reminder, there opposite of evil is G(o)od. Good is surrending your will to a cause that is outside yourself to help others.

Love is simply "understanding outside yourself" and you can not have love, if you operate on "Pride".

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