Inflation to rise and rise and thoughts on parasitic entities.

9 months ago

Sometimes it takes a kick up the arse to ones self to see where you are being lead. Once you realise the parasite attaching itself to you it is time to rip it off and squash it. I have moved on now and this is my last word.
Now I can move on and get back to the serious task of me.

Beware unitedrations on Bitchute, he is a yokal with a nasty nature and dislikes/hated by all neighbours and alike. So he attacks others.
Never buy a trailer off him as he admits to ripping people off and thinks himself clever and not a liar.

Anyroad, be well and prepare.

Much L❤ve


This is their soul harvest time, we are all in the crosshairs.
Prepare to not become a victim and secure your base and self, buy whilst it's still legal. But do it sooner than later.

Everybody will get their turn eventually.

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