Tauba Aur Astaghfar auba Aur Astaghfar Ke Fayde#taubat #maafi #duain #tabligh Manan ME #الاستغفار

11 months ago

Sincere tawba is always accepted by ALLAH. ALLAH says: Verily, He is One Who forgives (accepts repentance), the Most Merciful. In numerous verses of the Quran, ALLAH describes Himself as being extremely generous, merciful, and forgiving towards His creations.

Islam does not view any human being as being infallible. Any human being can be subject to errors, ALLAH being the only perfect one. Thus the sole authority for the forgiveness of any human being corresponds to ALLAH.

In Islamic sharia, tawba is a twofold approach: a person first should be able to recognize and forsake his/her sins upon which ALLAH promises to forgive them. Islam expects Muslims to realize their mistakes and shortcomings, and to seek His forgiveness. Forgiveness for one's sins is not something that comes automatically; it is something that must be sought for, with sincereness and true devotion. Becoming indifferent to one's sins is seen as dangerous.Muhammad said:

A believer sees his sins as if he were sitting under a mountain which, he is afraid, may fall on him; whereas the wicked person considers his sins as flies passing over his nose and he just drives them away like this (and he moved his hand over his nose in illustration).

— Sahih al-Bukhari, 8:75:320

اللہ تعالیٰ کو وہ بندے بے حد پسند ہیں جو گناہ کرنے کے بعد خدا تعالیٰ کے سامنے اپنی جبین نیاز کو جھکا دیتے ہیں۔ گناہ ہو جانا ایک فطری عمل ہے لیکن ایک مسلمان کا یہ وطیرہ ہونا چاہئے کہ وہ گناہ کے فوراً بعد اللہ سے رجوع کرے۔ اور گناہوں پر اکڑفوں کا مظاہرہ نہ کرے۔ ’توبہ مگر کیسے؟‘ میں بڑے عمدہ سلیقے سے کتاب وسنت کی نصوص کی روشنی میں توبہ کی تعریف، فضیلت و اہمیت، شرائط، فوائد، گناہوں سے بچاؤ کی تدابیر اور گناہوں کے نقصانات، تائبین کے درجات اور ان کے سچے واقعات اور چند ایک اذکار مسنونہ جمع کر دئیے گئے ہیں۔

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