Oct 28, 2010 🎺 The Lord explains... I cut down every Tree, that grows contrary to My Will

1 year ago

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The Lord explains… The Trees of the Field
I am come to cut down every Tree

October 28, 2010 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Lord’s Words spoken to Timothy, during an Online Men’s Fellowship – For The Lord’s Watchmen, and for all Those who have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord… My sons, what is a dry tree to he who holds the axe?… Yet when the winds pass through and catch the man sleeping, is he not crushed by the weight of the tree?…

Indeed, what is this forest full of tall trees before Me, standing so tall, with roots deeply embedded in the world… Blocking always the warmth of the sun at eventide, casting long shadows under which the wicked flock?… Are they not left cold, soon standing in darkness?…

Are they not as those who seek shelter under a tree, when the rains descend and the thunder crashes, who meet a quick end when the lightning strikes?… So is this people before Me! Says The Lord.

Wicked and foolish generation! Multitudes of slothful people!… Seeking always the tall tree, taking shelter under branches which have grown far and wide, standing fast in the cold darkness of its shadow, oblivious to the setting of the sun… Abominable trees! Roots of rottenness!… For they do always seek to block the warmth of the noonday sun, and cast ever increasing shadows as evening approaches.

Therefore, I am come to cut down every tree, which grows where I have not planted!… Behold, I shall level every forest! What then shall this field be, against the light of the morning sun, after the bitter rains have ended?

Therefore have I chosen My bride… Yes, she is chosen… Even as I have chosen My watchmen from among those who remain. Their number is set, and these shall be offered before The Father. And they shall rule over all nations, and oppress strong peoples with a word! Yet some of you ask within yourselves… ‚How can this be?’…

My ways are not human ways, and My thoughts are not human thoughts, but remain high above… If a man can not be overcome, by any means, what is he to other men? And if a man cannot be moved from his place, not one inch to the left or to the right, what has he become, compared with other men? What of a man, My servant, who carries the Messiah fully within him?… Is he not an island, which no man can reach, save I make it possible for him to do so?

Consider the squirrel and its ways… Does it not live among the trees, running up and down with ease, leaping from branch to branch with skill and grace?… Perfectly designed for its abode, perfectly made for its purpose?… So shall My watchmen be in the Day of The Lord… Prepared according to their tasks, established according to the word of My mouth, remade according to their service for which they are called… Filled according to MY strength, for I AM THE LORD!

Therefore, again I say, all those who seek sanctuary under these trees, which grow contrary to My will, shall be struck down…

And all, who run into man-made houses, shall be crushed beneath their weight, when the fierce winds begin to blow.

Yet of these I have chosen, who have sought refuge in The Lord, they shall not be hurt, nor shall they suffer anymore in this fallen world of men…

For The Lord their God shall be their strong tower… And those replanted shall be as a strong tower against the world, standing firm in the midst of great men… For I dwell in them.

[Addendum: The word of The Lord, spoken to Jayse, while we were discussing The Lord’s words above]

Thus says The Lord… That which My servant, Jason, has spoken is wisdom, concerning that which I intend to do by My witnesses in the Day, and have purposed against those who would mock them…

Behold these multitudes, who call of themselves by My own name, they have misplaced that which I had given them, deceiving themselves. For lo, they think within themselves… ‚I carry an axe, with which I shall cut down every messenger sent to us’… Perceiving falsely that they are able to cut them down with ease, as though My servants and the Word they carry were a dry tree containing no sap, having not weight enough in its roots to remain standing…

Behold, when the winds blow and the earth begins to shake, this very same Word, which they endeavored to cut in pieces, shall instead fall hard upon the hard of heart, and My servants shall rule over them… Lo, My word shall not return void! Says The Lord. For it fulfills My will, even now, and will continue to do so until the Consummation.

Yet of this word above which you have considered, it shall be fulfilled, in more ways than one… Some of which you have spoken aloud, according to that which I have given you, while still others remain hidden from your eyes, says The Lord.

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