300+ Scientific COVID articles memory holed AFTER damage has been done | Dr. Scott Jensen

1 year ago


We have to be on red alert. What we’re seeing is potentially substandard medical publications used to push forward, promote a narrative and squash all other narratives. And now that some of the dust is settling, we’re seeing these articles withdrawn, disappearing. You won’t find them potentially on the internet. This is problematic.

We knew during the pandemic that several specific instances occurred where high quality journals, such as Lancet, the New England Journal of Medicine, published articles that a short time later required a retraction or a revision or a redaction. We’re seeing this happen in spades now.

We’re seeing 300+ articles disappearing and I think you and I both know why. In many situations it was shoddy research, it was shoddy analysis, it wasn’t peer reviewed or the conclusions drawn from the data were clearly spurious. And we asked the question, Was this born of a nefarious agenda?

My friends, I don’t remember any time in my 40 years of medical history where in a short span of time journal articles in the hundreds and hundreds were disappearing. This feels like people are covering their tracks and we need to pay attention. When medical journals that were used at one time to push a narrative and squash another narrative are now disappearing, my profession has a big problem.


The medical field is erasing its own COVID-era history

A running list of retracted COVID articles (369 at the time of writing):


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