3 Classic French-Canadian Folktales (Werewolves, La Corriveau, and La Chasse Galerie)

1 year ago

In this video, we take a look at three pieces of classic French-Canadian literature written around the turn of the 20th Century. These 'contes', or fictional stories, revolve around three of Quebec's most famous folktales: the legend of the Loup-Garou, or Werewolf; La Corriveau, the skeleton woman of Pointe-Levy; and La Chasse Galerie, the tale of the flying canoe.

0:00:00 - Introduction
0:01:17 - La Loup-Garou, by Honore Beaugrand
0:27:53 - Une Relic: La Corriveau, by Louis-Honore Frechette
0:46:59 - La Chasse Galerie, by Honore Beaugrand

If you enjoyed this video and would like to purchase a book containing these and other French-Canadian folktales, please follow the link below:


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