Light THIS and Mosquitoes are NEVER AGAIN a problem💥(INCREDIBLE Genius)🤯

9 months ago

Are you also tired of mosquitoes? Here I show you how they will never be a problem again!

✅ Is HERE something for you? ➡️ *

Mosquitoes are doubly annoying. There's that annoying sound they make when they fly around you. Especially when you're trying to sleep. Besides, no one wants to have itchy mosquito bites.

But there is something you can do about mosquitoes. And all you need is some water, coffee powder and a piece of household roll. Roll up the paper towel and rub it with the coffee mixture.

So now you can put it in a bowl and then light it. Because now it's going to burn down slowly. And it will give off a scent that mosquitoes can't stand at all. You can also keep wasps away with this coffee mixture.

It is best to place it outside near where you are staying. And for that time, your environment will be free from mosquitoes and wasps as well. Be sure to try it if you have never tested it before!

❌ THIS must not be missing in any household! ❌

✅ Washing Soda ➡️ *
✅ Baking Soda ➡️ *
✅ Citric Acid ➡️ *
✅ Vinegar ➡️ *
✅ Microfiber Cloth ➡️ *

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* I use so-called affiliate links here. If you buy one of the products through these links, I get a commission. This way you support my channel, but of course there are no additional costs for you!


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