Interview 564 with George Wiseman

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George Wiseman grew up on a ranch in the backwoods of British Columbia; learning the value of hard work, knowledge and skills.
He became a Jack Of All Trades and subsequently became an inventor that has changed entire venues with his innovations.
He started working with Brown’s Gas in 1986, creating practical machines to apply this amazing gas in applications such as Fuel Saving, Torch-Fuel Gas and Radioactive Neutralization. He has become recognized world-wide and renowned in the practical applications of Brown’s Gas.
n 1996 his customers told him of their astonishing healings using Brown’s Gas. It took them until 2005 to convince Mr. Wiseman to try the Brown’s Gas on himself and he subsequently had substantial health improvements. Currently he has developed a machine specifically optimized to safely provide Brown’s Gas for Health in every home.
If you purchase a machine you can use promo code TMLS20 to get 10% off!!

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