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15 seconds

they did it

1 year ago

"Lo que los estadounidenses deben entender es que lo hicieron. Lo hicieron. Y si entienden eso, Israel desaparecerá de esta tierra". --Dr. Alan Sabrosky, infante de marina de los EE. UU., ex director de la Escuela de Guerra de los EE. UU.

"What Americans need to understand: they did it. They did it. And if they do understand that, Israel will flat-ass disappear from this earth." --Dr. Alan Sabrosky, US Marine, Former US War College Director


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  • 0/2000
  • Mossad, the media, the CIA and Saudi Arabia. It's impossible for the Mossad to have done it by themselves. The media would have exposed them immediately. The BBC was talking about the collapse of building 7 before it collapsed.