Will a Tracheostomy and Ventilation Work in the Community?

10 months ago


Will a Tracheostomy and Ventilation Work in the Community?

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Good morning, good evening, good afternoon, wherever you are. Thank you for coming onto this livestream. My name is Patrik Hutzel, and I’m your host of today’s livestream. If you’re watching this in replay, I want to welcome you as well. So, this is another Intensive Care at Home livestream.

Today’s livestream is about, “Will a tracheostomy and ventilation work in the community?” So, coming back to a couple of topics from the last two live streams, the first topic that I talked about in this series was, “Will a tracheostomy work?”, and this is a question we get quite frequently from families in intensive care, is a tracheostomy going to work? I broke that down in much detail a couple of weeks ago, and you can go back to that livestream. It would be now being published here on the YouTube channel of course, but also now in our intensivecareathome.com website.

So this is a question we get quite frequently, is a tracheostomy going to work? I broke it down in much detail on that live stream a couple of weeks ago, and I explained it when a tracheostomy is working in ICU, what’s the purpose? I explained in much detail that a tracheostomy in ICU should always be temporary, but obviously, there are outliers, there are exceptions to the rules, which then led me to my next YouTube live about this specific topic, which was last week, where I talked about, “Is a tracheostomy going to work in the community?” I broke that down in much detail and answered some questions there. Today, we’re taking this further. Today, we’re talking about, “Will a tracheostomy and ventilation work in the community?” Again, these are all real questions from real clients or readers that want to know about this particular subject.

Now, before I go into today’s topic, you may want to find out what makes me qualified to talk about today’s topic. So again, my name is Patrik Hutzel. I’m the founder and managing director of Intensive Care at Home, a very unique and highly specialized home care nursing service, where we send intensive care nurses into the home, to bring intensive care into the home, to replicate an ICU bed in the community, to bring a genuine alternative to a long-term stay in intensive care into the community. We have been successfully providing Intensive Care at Home services in Australia since 2013.

Now, prior to that, I was working in the Intensive Care at Home space in Germany in the early 2000s, where I was part of a startup service in Germany where we were the pioneering service in Germany setting up Intensive Care at Home. So, I come with extensive experience in this space. On top of that, I have worked for over 20 years in intensive care as a nurse, as well as 5 years of that time, I’ve spent as a nurse unit manager in intensive care. So, I have combined both worlds.

I am also the founder and director of Intensive Care Hotline, where we consult and advocate for families all around the world in intensive care . You can find more information there at intensivecarehotline.com.

With Intensive Care at Home, we employ hundreds of years of intensive care nursing experience in the community, or critical care nursing experience in the community. I do believe that is unmatched by any organization worldwide where we bring that level of expertise into the community. Currently, we are operating all around Australia, where we send our nurses into the home.


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