IconoclastTruthbearer (Facebook Idiots on Parade)

8 months ago

Refuting Facebook clown Iconoclast Truthbearer

This is where I ran into him & he posts a flurry of messages on a flurry of topics. He will spam memes & does a lot of “Google research”. That did not work w/ me https://www.facebook.com/TheMarieOakes/posts/pfbid0omDudtirH9FiNyyvobsdJZHdb1aRqQb5PuKNRxhrxsFAQJtXvmyUG7SXpygzMx38l Iconoclast Truthbearer https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02ywcV3XZRTM4QgTHJSwNJv5ZgCL9QaumR3enbuTAg6R1BUb1iiGVd6BpALTTRVZaNl&id=100094225292570&comment_id=311134224759886 He deleted my comments on that post & blocked me

Here is his account https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094225292570 https://archive.ph/https://www.facebook.com/people/IconoclastTruthbearer/100094225292570/

I responded to him several times on Marie’s page

I challenged him & tagged him on my own page, it did not take him long to block me. When I began challenging him on specific states & the counties within those states, their voting preferences & the demographics of murder, he turned tail & ran away. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02VLPC6PsWjbspwNnb6G3PqRtv1P8AXtp4znMJaNfRjaVjiYZ4D15bE9RHtZWXxK2bl&id=100004109170994 https://archive.is/YRiXU

This is why I challenged him https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0CZKmx2HFbLTZUxGc3LoNazvUbzSqqWHbUjEHF1oUPyNSjASaphr9f1zg5AtywUbNl&id=100094225292570 https://archive.ph/mHCB4 The most violent counties in America have loads of black on black murder & typically vote Democrat. The safest counties in America tend to be uber-White & uber-Republican. https://web.archive.org/web/20230000000000*/https://professor_enigma.webs.com/covid-increase-homicides You can autistically repeat “RACIST”, but you cannot call me wrong.

I reviewed him & I think this is ultimately what triggered the block https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0FsRcJWrpbSNzAVTBfWaVQvKp7t1EVAFRzL9z3AkJJNZYBTACE62kH5mQV9ayCNdKl&id=100064869933577

https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02x5wXAsTrYwwGuGyPxJpQVeaHLvKE1CLaTMhXrtrU4uc5gjxYkzW9rrAbeLAxq48jl&id=100094225292570 https://archive.ph/UxLjl He thinks “trans kids” can actually “change” their gender, they cannot. He wouldn’t even get out of a HS science class (unless it was a government school in Flint, they pass almost everyone there). He doesn’t believe biology is real. https://rumble.com/v36edqs-creep-sam-seder-and-mark-d.-lang-flunked-biology-anatomy-and-physiology.html Asking someone’s opinion about “transgender” folks is just as silly as asking their opinion about aliens from the planet Glarnak. They don’t exist.

Here is a prime example of why a LOT OF CHRISTIANS & certainly MOST ATHEISTS are confused about the Bible. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0242wJMZDAYYF6fw3APVjxsa6B8SVNZ9cD21FiQuYbfQi9Mgjedaq3ac2h4z3ktDaxl&id=100094225292570 Iconclast tries to use this ignorance (and exposes his own) to refute the Bible, but he just exposes his own lack of knowledge. He says, “If you believe God helped you find your keys, but He allowed a child to be raped by a priest. Go to hell.” I believe this is one of the reasons Dan Barker became apostate & one of the reasons he was a pretty dumb person even when he was a preacher. I will let my friend James Patrick Holding handle this one.

See this https://www.tektonics.org/TK-B.php & scroll down to “Dan Barker.” The most important article https://www.tektonics.org/af/barkerd02.php was unfortunately NOT on that list. Holding ties Dan Barker’s confused theology (which is likely why he is now apostate) into some of Charles Stanley’s (yes, that Charles Stanley) confused theology. https://www.tektonics.org/qt/stanley2.php Here is the relevant passage [Parking Space Theology]:

[Begin Quote] The final issue for discussion will require me to again quote from our earlier article on Osteen, particularly for readers who have not seen that.

[Osteen’s] system too easily redefines problems out of existence. Thus in YBL [Your Best Life Now] (41-2) he gives the example of searching for a parking spot in a crowded lot. Osteen thanks God for a good space when he finds one, but what if you do not find one? Then, he says, "....you get out and walk, and with every step, you thank God that you are strong and healthy and have the ability to walk." And he explains further of a time when he didn't find a parking space close by (43):

"...God has my best interests at heart...He is working for my good. A delay may spare me from an accident. Or a delay may cause me to bump into somebody that needs to be encouraged, somebody that needs to see a smile."

There is good reason for this methodology to disturb us. Atheist Dan Barker, in his original book Losing Faith in Faith tells much the same story of his quests for parking spaces - even having used the same Scripture that Osteen does, Romans 8:28: "All things work together for good to them that love the Lord." Before long, the logical strain becomes apparent: What of the person whose delay in finding a space caused them to get into an accident? To be sure, we are counseled to always be thankful to God, and we should be. Nevertheless, if we persist in a vision of God as a micromanager to this extent, then inevitably, we are compelled to rationalization as Barker was, ending up as he did, driving in random directions under the prompting of an inner voice, and ending up in the middle of a vacant lot thinking it was a test of our faith.

I am not saying of course that God cannot by His power arrange for a good parking space! However, I do find it presumptuous to think that He does such things on the microscopic scale that Osteen envisions. To claim this is to leave the system open to rationalization at the crux point of failures. [end quote]

This is the type of silly rationalization (and that’s being generous) that led to Barker’s demise & Iconoclast Mouth-Breather is going down the same road. He doesn’t know much.

Dan Barker is an idiot, copying his arguments makes you a bigger idiot.

That’s it for now, I doubt I’ll check in on his page anytime soon, he doesn’t have much detailed material (his magnum opus was written on the back of a square of used toilet paper, w/ space to spare) & just tries to yell over everyone. Anyone can spam memes all day, it takes time to learn something.

He has a lot of time, why isn’t he learning? You know the answer to that. So, if you see him on Facebook, perhaps ask him what I asked him (and if you try to corner him on an issue in a detailed fashion, you will likely be blocked quickly): “Why are the most violent counties in America full of black-on-black murder & usually vote overwhelmingly for Democrats? Why do states w/ high murder rates – whether they are GOP-dominated or GOP-leaning (MO, AR, TN), purple (MI) or Democrat-leaning (DE, IL) – why are the most violent counties typically Democrat & have very disproportionate amounts of black on black murder? Why do low murder rate states (IA, WI, MN) also have this same issue?” https://rumble.com/v137ctu-is-black-on-black-homicide-is-a-myth.html https://rumble.com/v2s3mpk-charlie-kirk-subdues-blacklivesmatter-and-whitesupremacy.html https://web.archive.org/web/20230000000000*/https://professor_enigma.webs.com/covid-increase-homicides (not sure how much longer the latter link will still be live, so showing an archived version)

Watch him block you when his “google research” does not deter you. What he aims to do is throw a bunch of links at you & you’re supposed to give up at that point. I didn’t do that & the result was predictable.

Anytime he wants to unblock me & come over to my channel again – we will debate this & I will be the lawnmower. Period!

PS I was told by another user that Iconoclast Truthbearer was hawking the COVID-19 “vaccines” & predictably coming out w/ stories of numerous “people they know” who died after refusing the COVID-19 “vaccines.” “Objection your Honor! Argument is hearsay! Objection Sustained!”

No little man, the COVID-19 “vaccines” were basically a big fail & I have the receipts. These are all my videos, unlike you I do not do Google “research” https://rumble.com/v2s125y-the-covid-19-vaccines-are-going-to-save-us-maybe-not-really-part-v.html https://rumble.com/vra04h-the-covid-19-vaccines-will-save-us-maybe-not-really.html https://rumble.com/vwvczy-the-covid-19-vaccines-are-going-to-save-us-maybe-not-really-part-iii.html https://rumble.com/vuf6u0-the-covid-19-vaccines-are-going-to-save-us-maybe-not-really-part-ii.html https://rumble.com/v1g5lw5-the-covid-19-vaccines-are-going-to-save-us-maybe-not-really-part-iv.html https://rumble.com/vp8g4f-stephen-colbert-is-dumber-than-sam-seder-covid-19-case-rates-and-vaccinatio.html https://rumble.com/vr360z-stephen-colbert-is-fake-news-covid-19-vaccination-rates-and-cases-per-week.html


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