'9/11 Thermo Nuclear Demolition Underground Heat Turns Steel To Dust - Low Radiation' - 2013

1 year ago

Published on Mar 10, 2013

"http://youtu.be/ca4D0-s8OsI (Large underground nuke test video)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W45 (Suit case nuke info)
Conspiracy Theory Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
September 11 2001 events: 256 minutes. Interviews etc: A plausible thermo nuclear demolition theory is linked to some of the available 9/11 evidence. Dimitri Khalezov openly admits he does not have answers to every twist of the 9/11 events. Do some proper research first - then judge for yourself.
The video's thumbnail contains four still frames which show the last standing steel sections of one of the towers immediately after its collapse.The total pulverisation of steel can clearly be seen in these images. Thousand of tons of steel, concrete and contents of WTC1,WTC2 + WTC7 disintegrated into fine microscopic dust. There is ample evidence for the cause and the mechanics of the pressure wave which distributed this dust over a large area.

The WTC explosions turned thousands of tons of steel into fluffy microscopic dust. In this four hour video Dimitri Khalezov explains in fine detail what happened, why it happened and how it happened.

Professional and amateur debunkers who want the world to believe each of the two WTC towers collapsed because of over heating caused by fire and the impact of a single plane, also want the world to believe that kinetic energy enabled the planes' aluminium bodies to smash their way structurally intact through the strongest heaviest steel frame ever built. On "live" TV news the entire nose section of a plane appeared to penetrate the obstacles of many closely spaced steel sections, each thicker than the front armour of a T34 tank and emerge in perfectly unchanged appearance outside the fireball engulfed tower.

If the kinetic energy argument is used to try and prove the conventional theory those who believe the official explanation must consider the reverse.

Imagine a stationary plane suspended on a pole at the height where impact took place.
Next, imagine the identical building slamming into the plane at, the same speed and angle as in the televised impact.

Throughout aviation history, without exception, planes involved in collisions with far weaker objects than steel towers have, at the very least, been severely damaged. Many have totally fragmented on impact.

Consider the following analogy: If you hit a fly with a swat the fly is smashed flat. However because of kinetic energy (which some professional debunkers claim can cause water to penetrate steel), if one were to hit the fly with velocity equivalent to the bullet like speed of a plane, the fly could emerge clean and unharmed on the other side of the fly swat.


Collapse in free-fall-time is examined here:

Leaders in commercial explosives demolition industry has saved property owners and contractors hundreds of millions of dollars worldwide.

The following link is for an Independant video produced in relation to recent nuclear underground test in Korea. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7p_0Dj...

The following link is for declassified US film of 1960's underground tests. At 10:00 is a clear reference to GROUND ZERO in relation the location of a nuclear device http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMmFy4...

Archive information of FBI involvement in 1993 WTC bombing

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