League of Legends - Daily ARAM - Maokai (2)

8 months ago

Kaisa, Galio, Jhin, MF, and Kayle

Blitz, Velkoz, Ezreal, Sona, and Maokai

0:00 Start
5:49 First T1 Tower Destroyed - Red
10:29 T1 and T2 Tower Destroyed - Blue
12:47 T2 Tower Destroyed - Red
13:35 Blue Inhib Destroyed
14:18 Red Inhib and Nexus Tower Destroyed
18:25 Nexus Tower Destroyed - Red
18:40 Red Inhib Destroyed (2)
Respawned at a great time as our Nexus was getting attacked.

19:16 Blue Inhib, Nexus Towers, and Nexus Destroyed

At least half of the team kept trying to quit but we end up winning lol.

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#leaugeoflegends #endlessgaming #lol #aram #fwotd #riot #maokai

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