Lara Trump Hosts Dr. McCullough on Pandemic Response: Lessons Learned

9 months ago

Lara Trump Hosts Dr. McCullough on Pandemic Response: Lessons Learned

Dr. McCullough appeared on the Right View with Lara Trump and they covered a wide range of pandemic topics including Dr. Anthony Fauci who lied to President Trump and the nation about SARS-CoV-2 and advised the wrong public health measures including masking, social distancing, lockdowns, and vaccines.

The best strategy should have been viricidal nasal sprays and gargles and early multidrug treatment for high risk cases. Trump showed good understanding and said McCullough should be in the administration for the next pandemic.

Dr. McCullough: Americans Would Have Been Better off if the Government Did NOTHING During COVID-19

"If the government was not in the business of pandemic response, if they did nothing, it would have been so much better because we [doctors] just would have used our medical instincts and saved lives," attested Dr. @P_McCulloughMD

"Instead, the government stepped in and said, nope! Can't do this; can't do that. Before we knew it, there were government protocols for the hospital. The hospitals weren't deviating from them. They were very nihilistic, and American lives were lost."

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