Location Where Jesus Healed a Blind Man Found! The Miracle Pool!

1 year ago

Location Where Jesus Healed a Blind Man Found

The location where jesus healed a blind man found! Archaeologist have found the pool of siloam, the very pool where jesus told a blind man to go wash his eyes. The discovery was made by archaeologists during excavation work on the pool of siloam. Approximately eight steps were unearthed. These are the steps where Jesus said to heal a blind man and they were unearthed in Jerusalem.

#jesus #jesuschrist

location where jesus healed a blind man found, jesus, jesus christ, miracles of jesus, jesus and miracles, jesus heals a blind man, jesus heals the blind, biblical archaeology, biblical evidence found, location of jesus, jesus evidence, evidence of jesus, pool of siloam, siloam pool, miracle pool, the miracle pool

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