WTC 7, even the news got it right briefly, then changed the CIA narrative.

10 months ago

WTC 7 was a 47-story skyscraper that “collapsed” at 5:20 PM on September 11, 2001. It was not hit by a plane.

Tenants inside WTC 7 included:
⁃ Department of Defense
⁃ Secret Service
⁃ Securities and Exchange Commission
⁃ NYC Office of Emergency Management

According to the government’s official story, the building suffered a fire-induced progressive collapse and was NOT brought down by controlled demolition. Even the media reported this as a demolition, first, then it was cut.
No other steel structure high-rise buildings have collapsed from fire in the world. The WTC was designed to withstand most anything (including planes, designed for them to bounce off, and aluminum planes, would not go through steel). The CIA and Mossad, is very creative to deceive eyes and thoughts. Only if one pays attention, do they see the truth. Follow the money trail.

You be the judge.

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