Eric & Susan Vinson

7 months ago

Eric & Susan Vinson
share great tips for making your home smell great with that toxin-free perfect holiday fragrances. "We love essential oils -for just about everything- Hopefully we can share, learn & encourage one another to be healthy & well!
Fall always reminds me of good food, good people, and good aromas. The days become colder, there’s a crackling fire in the hearth, and everyone is sharing, caring, and all around just having a festive time with one another. Aside from the delicious foods that comes with Thanksgiving, I have always loved the smells that come with it, so I thought it prudent to share a few of my favorite essential oil blends for what is in my mind, one of the best holidays of the year.
Growing up, I remember the aroma of freshly baked pumpkin pie, holiday cookies, cranberry sauce, mulled cider, and closer still to Thanksgiving, the scent of balsam fir and the excitement of Christmas to come.
I think we all as human beings have a special place in our memories for the scents of fall and the impending winter. Just one whiff and we’re taken back to those moments, fondly reliving them year after year.
One of my favorite ways to relive and celebrate said moments, is to recreate them with essential oils. Not only am I able to enjoy the scent of pumpkin spice, I can also reap the benefits of essential oils just bu breathing them

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