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Is this flag RACIST??

1 year ago

As part of their broader campaign to associate conservative symbols with racism and slavery, progressives claim that the iconic "Don't Tread On Me" (or the Gadsden flag) is racially offensive.

Recently, a 12-year-old boy named Jaiden was removed from his class at the Vanguard School in Colorado for wearing a backpack that had a patch of the Gadsden flag. School administrators subsequently claimed that the flag had its origins in "slavery and the slave trade."

Caroline Downey explores the history of the Gadsden flag and it's creator to evaluate whether it is in fact, racist.

Video via @cboyack on X
Photos via Library of Congress
0:00-0:18 The Gadsden Flag
0:19-0:51 Boy Kicked Out of School
0:52-1:10 Legal Precedent
1:11-1:28 What the Left is Doing
1:29-2:19 Origin of the Flag
2:20-2:55 What the Flag Meant
2:56-3:26 Gadsden's Flaws
3:27-3:56 What Does It Mean Today?
3:57-4:36 What Happened to Jaiden
4:37-4:46 Outro