Experience Inner Bliss: Soul Cleanse for Inner Peace #harrythesoulcoach #soulrevive

1 year ago

Day 16 - Soul Cleanse

Today we will go inwards and bring awareness to ways we can release stored energy inside the body

Our body is the container to our feelings. Our body is the genie and feelings that are left inside our body come true.

For the majority of life we have spent most of our days in an unconscious state. It is suggested that 95% our thoughts are same from the day before. During our journey we have all experienced a soulacoaster of emotions.

Some of these moments/memories are still stored in the body that do not serve us and it requires our awareness to bring them out. Some memories are attached with energy that we have yet to process and that can cause imbalance within

As we have experienced, the mind often gets in the way and can overcomplicate things. It is very easy to get caught up in our thoughts which the body will respond to

We get to release this energy using a number of simple yet powerful techniques.

As the body releases, the Soul Feels cleansed and free

Yawning is an amazing way to release lots of build up of energy and when we allow ourself to yawn fully, so much will come out of us.

Stretching is another great way to release the energy from the muscles and tissues of the body. Combine this with the yawning and this becomes a very powerful way of letting go

Breathing - our breath is a very powerful tool to help us cleanse the body. Breathwork ignites our body to release stored energy. When we bring our intention to that energy we get to give it instructions to breathe out anything that does not serve us

Grounding allows us to connect with Mother Earth. Standing on the grass or on the beach allows us to tune into the Schumann resonance of the earth which vibrates at the same resonance of our body. Nature is so powerful that it will help cleanse our body and draw out anything that does not serve us. Around 20 minutes of grounding has been proven many times that it elos reduce inflammation

Sadness is a soulful emotion and experiencing sadness helps us cleanse and process deeper emotions that may have been stored in the body for a long time. The mind can get in the way and provides many other labels attached to the sadness, so it is important to allow the body to be in that space.

Speaking- We are encouraged to speak our feelings, especially when we are experiencing sadness. Our words describe our feelings, so being able to put our feelings into words and letting them out into the open can be very healing.

Who do you have that is there to listen and hear you speak your truth without judgement or interruption?

If we are not ready to speak to others, we can speak to ourself out loud. This allows us still to process the feelings whilst becoming the observer as they come out into the open

Writing/journaling works amazingly and really allows us to get into flow, pulling energy out of the body and putting them into words. These words allow us to revisit them in our own time.

Creativity - expressing our feelings through creation is another tool to help release our energy. Sometimes we find it can be difficult to express our feelings into words, so are there other forms of creativity that you can do? Dancing, singing, painting all are help bring up energy and release them from the body

Are you able to combine some of these into your day?

Start with a big yawn and notice how it feels

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