Crystal Rivers | Word for Now | Sep 11, 2023

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The Climax of Revelation: How Biblical Events Build Up to the Manifestation of Christ (Plagues, Seals, and Bowls)

This is a teaching that focuses on revealing how various Biblical events and symbols all point to the revelation of Jesus Christ. It examines how the 10 plagues in Exodus, the 10 commandments, the 7 days of creation, and the 7 bowls of wrath in Revelation progressively build up to a climax where God fully manifests. Just as the plagues in Egypt revealed the impotence of false gods when the true God showed up, these Biblical symbols speak of God's invasion into the world which exposes and judges anything contrary to His nature. The goal is the revelation of Jesus Christ, which is brought about by the increasing saturation of God's presence and glory in the world.

The Crystal Rivers online meetings are an organic ministry expression of the Cave Adullam community that came as an obedient response to a clear instruction from the Lord and a desire to stay connected to each other regardless of our location on the globe. Join us as we pray, fast and dig into the word with at least one expression of the crystal sea flowing via Zoom every weekday :

Crystal Rivers | Word for Now | Sep 11, 2023

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