Alan Sugar just made the case for a wealth tax better than anyone.

9 months ago

Alan Sugar has kicked off after finding out he couldn't avoid tax on his £390m dividend. He should be proud to pay it.
Right so taxing the rich, that’s a good idea isn’t it? Anyone disagree at this point? They’re absolutely bogged down with money, they can fill swimming pools with the stuff if they wanted to, but if anyone has made the case for it in the last week, it’s the permanently angry shrivelled walnut that is Alan Sugar. Stuff the Lord Sugar, stuff, the Sir Alan nonsense. The London wide boy made good and has spent much of his time as a billionaire pulling the ladder up behind him. If there wasn’t money in it for him making The Apprentice, you can be sure he wouldn’t be doing it. Well like so many inordinately wealthy people, he’s tried to avoid paying tax you see. He’d been off in Australia filming its version of Celebrity Apprentice, so Sugar tried arguing for non residency here, effectively claiming he spends no more than 90 days a year here, having been in Australia for months on end and all despite the fact he’d just drawn one of the biggest dividends in UK history from his business empire for himself, a dividend to the tune of £390m. That’s what he planned to pay himself, he thought he could do that without paying any tax on it too, a tax figure that would have amounted to £186m. I don’t have to pay it he said. I haven’t in Britain, disregard the tax bill. Unfortunately for Sugar, he’s not nearly as clever as he thinks he is. All those times he snarled at someone for not calling him Lord Sugar has come back to bite him, because that seat of his in the House of Lords that he rarely ever parks his posterior in has become his undoing. You see, if you’ve accepted a seat in the House of Lords you are a de facto British resident at all times. So nice try Alan, pay your damn tax bill. Well as you can imagine he will have had one of his little tantrums, stamping his tiny feet and screaming if I’d known that I would have quit the House of Lords. So much for how big of a deal it is to you to be called Lord Sugar then eh? Seems that has a price tag on it too. An honour, a peerage, all secondary to his own greed. Even paying the bill leaves him with £204m for the year so on what planet is that not enough? Andrew Pierce recently attacked benefits claimants for the hundred of hospitals that could be built if the government decided to strip them of cash they need just to survive on, but a rich twerp like Sugar? Oh that’ll be fine. That’s more cash than we’ll ever see in our lifetime, it’s just one years dividend to Sugar. He’ll be taking millions again next time.You can bet he won’t be building any hospitals with that though. Look at it another way, Alan Sugar said several years ago that if Jeremy Corbyn ever became Prime Minister he’d leave the country and now he’s trying to claim he had left under a Tory one in order to avoid paying his taxes. The calls for a wealth tax are quite justified in which case.


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