🔵VSOF Status Docs Class, Part 3, How to claim your abandoned estate.

11 months ago

🔵This is an all day class where regarding the entire VSOF status doc process. We talk about why we created the VSOF Status Docs and teach you how to use the Handbills for the VSOF status doc set. The following topics will be discussed in order.
1. What the Law merchant system is and how it works as a whole. How corporations masquerading as de-jure governments administer your estate and what you can do to stop it by correcting the public probate record.
2. The entire VSOF status doc set, all 15 documents. We will go over what each of the status docs do, and why there has to be that many different documents to correct your status and reverse the presumptions that the filthy BAR association holds over you by the law merchant. We will also cover the reasons why this is the only way to ever get out from under the clutches of the filthy law merchant banking cartel that think they own your body, children and your estate.
3. Why we all need to get our status docs done before we can form de-jure grand juries in our counties and control our realms with ultimate and complete power.
4. The entire binding arbitration process of the VSOF status doc set. How you serve the status docs onto public trustees and why they are bound to obey your executive orders. When you take them to binding arbitration and when they are in default.
5. What you need to do if your estate is named as a defendant in any court case and what you need to do to have it dismissed as a defendant. We will also cover how to file suit against them in a common law court of record by coming over the top of them as a plaintiff. Criminal or civil.
6. Venue.
7. “Jurisdictionary” It will teach you everything you need to know about how to win in an equity court.

Time to wake up and claim your birthright.

This is the mega link for all of the class handouts and for the class outline.

Part 4 of this class can be found here: https://rumble.com/v3h4dlg-vsof-status-docs-class-part-4-of-4-learn-how-to-claim-your-abandoned-estate.html

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✅This is the Mega Link where you can download all of the handbills (instruction books) that fully explain the VSOF Status Doc process for being a State Citizen/American Citizen and freeing yourself from the United States federal corporation.
🦅 https://mega.nz/folder/L6gGiZDY#zqgh85D2KIvyOfYbJrUY3w

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🔵🔴🟠🟢VSOF civics and Sovereignty classes are held on alternate Wed and Sat nights at 7:00pm Central standard time, for one hour.

🔵It is for the good of all Americans that we all live in a constitutional republic and continue to grow and perpetuate this great experiment in Self-Government.

It is the right and duty of all Americans to assemble and to discuss all matters regarding our rights, as we see fit, in our own republic. This fundamental right is protected by the first article of the bill of rights.

🟠 "The Natural Liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on earth, and not to be under the authority of man, but only to have the Law of Nature for his rule." John Locke
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