Déclaration de Genève 🇫🇷 Affaire pénale contre la Suisse 🇨🇭 Le président Berset et le Protocole de CIC 🇺🇸Trump

10 months ago


All about the Swiss Federal Criminal Court Decision vs Swiss President and Health Minister Alain Berset - President Trump is the actual Commander In Chief of the US Military - Centralised all US Military Branches at the US Space Force - Operation Storm - Global War Generals Alliance of 34 Nations Special Forces - USA under Military Occupation - Trump 2018 Executive Order extended on September 7th 2023 by Joe Biden jr. - Trump War Time President - US Military Justice in force also outside of the United States - Operation STORM dismantling the Global Cabal - Draining of the SWAMP- Documents Disclosure Website. www.thedocuments.info

Twitter: @najadi4justice

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