A short little film not about any thing. (non-duality)

4 years ago

The rhythmic sound of rain dropping on the skylight window
is a massage for this racing mind
I can see some rubbish on the path outside.
Everything has a story. 
I am waiting for some words but the editor is in kill every word mode.

 because the feeling that I can share this
is almost is like an aberration..
feels like eh share what dickhead...
emptiness wanting to share.
but share what though... nothing. absolutely nothing.

Hi. I've got absolutely fucking nothing to share
Really nothing. Not mysterious nothing. Nothing. Nothing..
Anybody want to buy it cos I need to start earning money.

From the limited perspective here
there is no liberation, no popping of self, no seeing that this is all one, no formless or form.
There is just what is. And I am clueless what it is
because I am clueless about the words 'I am clueless'.
but the perspective is this that it was always this total mystery
only somehow an appearance that it was a place
in time and space, with my life and a life that could be known
and that it was real and we were all on a path going somewhere.

To me everything seems to be a story away from what it is.
Stories of wise men and gods and demons and ghouls
All characters in a play where no one is watching
And however scary they seem
its only a play.
And there is still just this. whatever the fuck this is.

Perhaps it is a wow. a gentle wow.
A gentle sad, frustrated, content, uncertain, sugary, sweet wow that somehow wow is happening happening happening.

Happy Halloween

I’ve struggled of late. Enthusiasm just doesn’t seem to be there to be the guy asking questions. I have nothing to ask and less to say. No Idea where this video making and podcasting is gonna go.
And well I am just hoping for the inspiration train to grab hold and ..…
I am pleasantly surprised that even this little video has happened. And it just happened out of playing. I like it…Hahah….Is that allowed?
And Just wanted to say thank you for supporting this pricking around with camera and voice and music… Any ideas are always welcome. I’ll probably ignore them but still… hahaha…..…...Oh Lord Jeebus help me I am a terrible man..Any ideas are welcome just dont ask me to interview Andrew Cohen… lots of love..Frank

PS If you would like to support on patreon..eh that would be amazing and here is the link https://www.patreon.com/frankmccaughey

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