Behind The Curtain With Tony Parsons - EP 66 Now Live on Patreon

4 years ago

Full Conversation is on Patreon.
If you are not comfortable signing up monthly you can give whatever you want here at
And if you can't afford to help but would still like to see any of other videos that I haven't released yet you can email me at I will be giving everything for free soon enough..
It is interesting to try to apparently interview Tony. The questions have evaporated and yet in the apparent interviewers role I am supposed to ask questions. I suppose I just wanted to say hi. I probably could have ended it there or talked more about Brexit. There is nothing to get so there is no need to sign up to Patreon and Tony has loads on his channel or on his website at
This role of being an interviewer is strange when the energy is not there. Still I enjoyed chatting with Tony.. I am not sure if there will ever be another non-dual discussion where I am asking questions. But then I am not sure if I am going to have a coffee or not in 5 mins.
Still I also want to say again thank you all of you who support on Patreon. You rock and you roll. Seriously. Obviously you can cancel any time… Haha. But I just wanted to say thank you.

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