LTC Allen West & Military Dr. LTC Pete Chambers: The Deep Decline of Troop Readiness - 10/25/22

1 year ago

(Oct 25, 2022) Military whistleblower Dr. Pete Chambers and Allen West discuss the rapidly declining morale in the U.S. Military and the illegal EUA COVID mRNA VAX mandates. Dr. Pete Chambers wraps up the discussion with a story of courage about Omaha beach, and the need now for a similar effort.

Contact your representative by calling 202-224-3121 and tell them to co-sponsorH.R.3860 (to prohibit any requirement that a member of the Armed Forces receive a vaccination against COVID-19) and for them to sign Discharge Petition No.8.:
Dr. Pete Chambers:
Hear first-hand from some of our active service members as they speak with Bret Weinstein on his Dark Horse Podcast: Support and Defend: Military Whistleblowers Confront a Rogue Chain of Command:
Source video:

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