The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth. We Have Not Forgotten. We Will Not Comply!

9 months ago

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On this day of remembrance, the body of Christ prays for all who were tragically lost on this day in 2001. For me it's a reminder of how fragile our lives are and how precious and wonderful our God is.
Remember that the plan of the evildoers was to bring this country to it's knees. While we are stumbling a bit as a nation right now; many of us learned that we cannot and will not bow down to any authoritarian movement or regime. Domestic or abroad.

That brings us to the present tyranny that we are facing a nation Warriors Of Light. The COVID power grab is on and I believe the young man in today's video is indicative of the type of response these tyrants can expect as they once again try to infringe on our God-given rights. Not today satan, not today.
Let's Rock!

Video credits:

DO NOT COMPLY - My Message To The Liberal Elite
Cameron Gilliam

Guardian - Mr. Do Wrong
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Christ-Centered Rock 'n' Roll For Your Soul!
The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth on US Sports Radio

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