The _You're Average At Best_ Video - The Full Interview ©

7 months ago

The "You're Average At Best" video is a clip from a longer interview between Kevin Samuels, a relationship guru, and a woman who called into his show to ask for advice on her dating life. In the clip, Samuels tells the woman that she is "average at best" and that she needs to make some changes if she wants to attract a high-value man.

The video went viral and sparked a lot of debate about Samuels' approach to dating and relationships. Some people praised him for being honest and upfront with the woman, while others criticized him for being harsh and insensitive.

The full interview is over an hour long and covers a wide range of topics, including the woman's dating history, her expectations for a partner, and her self-esteem. Samuels offers her some blunt advice, but he also tries to be supportive and encouraging.

The interview is definitely not for everyone, but it is an interesting and thought-provoking look at the dynamics of dating and relationships. If you are interested in learning more about Kevin Samuels' views on dating, then I recommend watching the full interview.

Here are some of the key points that Samuels makes in the interview:

Women need to be realistic about their expectations for a partner.
Women should not settle for less than they deserve.
Women need to work on their self-esteem and confidence.
Women need to be willing to make changes if they want to attract a high-value man.
The interview has been criticized by some for being harsh and insensitive. However, Samuels argues that he is simply being honest and that his advice is coming from a place of concern. He believes that women need to hear the truth about their dating prospects if they want to improve their chances of finding a good partner.

Whether you agree with Samuels or not, the "You're Average At Best" video is a valuable reminder that dating is not always easy. It is important to be realistic about your expectations and to be willing to work on yourself if you want to attract a high-value partner.

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