Amazing break down of the Great Tribulation and God's Wrath

1 year ago

Amazing break down of the Great Tribulation and God's Wrath

Video original name:
@jonantle Thank you for your amazing break down of the Great Tribulation and God's Wrath

Source: Prayer Warrior
Sep 6, 2023

NOTE: 2 videos that go along with this one by Vacci_Nation

1290 Days
42 Months for the beast

Video Transcript:
100% PROOF IT’S THE TRIBULATION + THE 💉💉🧬 IS THE MOTB! We are living at the TAIL END of THE GREAT TRIBULATION. This 3.5 year period of trouble, pressure, and deception is coming to a close. The world appears to have gone “back to normal.”
Many MARKED and UNMARKED people are returning back to parties, weddings and drunkenness. JESUS WARNS US that life will seem normal before He comes like a thief.
We’re to be WATCHFUL and READY, lest we be caught unawares, naked and ashamed.
The Covid V@ccine and the Plandemic line up PERFECTLY with Biblical prophecy of the TIME OF THE END. The 42 months the Beast is given authority and Daniel’s 1290 daycount to the Tribulation’s END, are both drawing to a close THIS SEPTEMBER.
THE MARK OF THE BEAST A.K.A. THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION was ushered in by the United Nations / W.H.O. Beast.
The book of Revelation says all nations WERE DECEIVED into recieving it.
Today, 6 BILLION people worldwide have received the MOTB/AOD 💉🧬
HOW WERE ALL NATIONS (INCLUDING THE CHURCH) DECEIVED INTO TAKING THE MOTB? Certain words in the Bible have adopted new meanings over time.
The phrase “worshiped the Beast,” put in the correct context, simply means to REVER or give HONOR to, while “bowing down” means to OBEY or be COMPLIANT.
SORCERY is another word that’s changed from what it originally meant.
Most people think sorcery means “witchcraft,” but the word is translated from the Greek word “PHARMAKEA.”
This is where we get our English words for “pharmacy" 👉DID YOU KNOW, Revelation 18:23 actually tells us the MARK OF THE BEAST will be brought in by BIG PHARMA? “and the LIGHT OF A CANDLE shall shine NO MORE at all in thee; and the VOICE OF THE BRIDEGROOM and of the BRIDE shall be heard no more at all in thee: 👉 for THY MERCHANTS were the👉 GREAT MEN of the earth; for by thy 👉 SORCERIES (PHARMAKEA) were ALL NATIONS DECIEVED.”
The Bible says that this “GREAT DECEPTION” would come from the GREAT MEN / MERCHANTS of the world, and the method of DELIVERY would be a PHARMACEUTICAL platform.
The Abomination / MOTB did INDEED come by DECEPTION from these great “rich” men—elites, like Bill Gates— and BIG PHARMA. 💉💉🧬 Can the MOTB still come by DECEPTION at this point? It cannot.
People are now wise to it. Did everyone who received the cv19 💉💉🧬 bow and worship the Beast? YES THEY DID.
The majority of the world COMPLIED with the mandates.
Most people gave in to the pressure from government, health authorities, employers, friends, family.
Many were deluded by “the science” and took the MOTB enthusiastically because they loved and believed the lie.
Many received it because they FEARED the virus 🦠 and feared they would die without the vaccine, while others did not want to lose out on engaging in worldly activities.
All this was fulfilled as written.
Was the BUYING and SELLING criteria met?
YES IT WAS — In order to remain employed, most were required to receive a vaccination or mask / test daily.
Some countries were more rigid than others, but all (in lockstep) began to require vaccination and/or testing to participate in society.
To enter restaurants, travel, go to concerts; sports games, go on cruises, or go to bars, you needed to have the 💉💉🧬 THE BOOK OF DANIEL PROVES THE 💉💉🧬 IS THE ABOMINATION/ MOTB.
Daniel 12:11 says that the ABOMINATION that causes DESOLATION is set up in the TEMPLE. *WE MUST UNDERSTAND WHAT THE TEMPLE IS.
Pre-trib doctrines OF MEN falsely say a THIRD Temple MUST be built in Israel—and the Antichrist must sit in it—before the MOTB arrives and tribulation begins.
This demonic LIE within the church has mislead Christians to the point that it’s caused many to receive the Mark Of The Beast because they couldn’t recognize the HOUR they were in.
The requirement of a physical temple in Israel is foolishly applying OLD COVENANT, pre-Messiah teaching, onto a Post Messiah, SPIRITUAL NEW Covenant under Jesus Blood.
Jesus told us plainly HIS TEMPLE is NOT built with human hands (New Covenant).
1st Corinthians says… “know ye not that YOUR BODY is the TEMPLE of the Holy Ghost which is in you…” Friends, we don’t need a PHYSICAL temple anymore to commune with God under the NEW COVENANT because CHRIST is now dwelling within us if we belong to Him.
NOW, BACK TO DANIEL’S PROPCHEY… Daniel 12:11-13 says… “From the time that the DAILY SACRIFICE is abolished (👉 The W.H.O’s Pandemic Declaration ENDED the daily sacrifice / the ceasing of employment / lockdowns / closing of churches & businesses throughout the ENTIRE WORLD for the first time in history) and THE ABOMINATION 💉💉🧬that causes DESOLATION is set up in the temple (our bodies) there will be 1,290 days.
Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.” (45 days later). This tells us the Tribulation will last 1290 days.

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