Full Makeup Live Session

9 months ago

Step 1: Start by applying a primer to your face to create a smooth base for your makeup. This will help your makeup last longer and go on more evenly.

Step 2: Apply foundation to even out your skin tone. Choose a shade that matches your skin tone and blend it well using a beauty sponge or a brush.

Step 3: Conceal any blemishes or under eye circles using a concealer. Dab a small amount of concealer on the area and blend it well.

Step 4: Set your foundation and concealer with a translucent powder. This will help your makeup stay in place and prevent it from creasing.

Step 5: Fill in your eyebrows using a brow pencil or powder. Define your brows to frame your face and create a polished look.

Step 6: Apply eyeshadow to your eyelids. Start by applying a neutral shade all over the lid and then add some depth by applying darker shades on the outer corner and crease.

Step 7: Line your eyes using a eyeliner pencil or liquid liner. Create a thin line along the upper lash line for a natural look, or go for a more dramatic cat eye if you prefer.

Step 8: Curl your lashes using an eyelash curler. This will open up your eyes and make your lashes appear longer.

Step 9: Apply mascara to your upper and lower lashes. Wiggle the wand from the roots to the tips of your lashes to add volume and length.

Step 10: Add some color to your cheeks by applying blush. Choose a shade that complements your skin tone and apply it to the apples of your cheeks.

Step 11: Apply a highlighter to the high points of your face, such as the cheekbones, brow bone, and bridge of the nose. This will add a natural glow to your skin.

Step 12: Finish off your makeup look by applying a lipstick or lip gloss. Choose a shade that matches your outfit or complements your skin tone.

Step 13: Set your makeup with a setting spray to make it last longer and keep it looking fresh throughout the day.

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