Outlaw Life: 45 years on the Edge pt, 1

10 months ago

Born to teenage parents that were both severely mentally ill, and completely uneducated, and liveling so far belwo the poverty line that we had no indoor plumbing and inbred illiterate neighbors, I never really assimilated into society. As Fairfax County, Virgina became the 2 nd wealthiest county per capita in the United States,. gentrification closed in around my slummy whitetrash neighborhood, filled with murderous pitbulls, actual murder, drugs, and incest. Because of my thrift store clothes, bookwormy nature, and lack of socialization, I was a comlete outcast at school, which I quit attending pretty early, at least regularly.
By my teenager years I had become a drug dealer to some of Wahington DC's elite. Eventually I would drift out to the Rockies,and then out to Calilfornia where I became a large scale pot grower, abeit very briefly before the outlaw pot industry crashed.

Ive seen a lot, and during this series of livestreams, I will share much of it

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