Is The US Economy Facing a Doom-Loop | Yaron Brook Show

10 months ago

00:00 Intro
02:04 Poll about new show time
05:23 Thick book on the table
08:20 Poll about new show time
09:15 Wall Street Journal article
10:50 Ben Shapiro's analysis
19:40 Catastrophizing
25:29 What is a Doom-Loop
37:40 San Francisco
42:48 New York & Other Places
45:15 Implications for the economy
53:55 Poll about new show time

Live Questions:
55:45 Is there historical precedent for the stock market moves over the last 3 years? Insane high followed by steep fall and then a near complete recovery? It seems like falls that happen after insane highs usually last longer.
1:00:59 Thoughts on introspection: one must not just ask oneself “What do I feel?” but also “Why and am I correct?” Also, if one’s conclusions are vastly negative, one should ask if one is omitting positives, thus distorting context.
1:03:08 How can you even feign common ground with Yoram Hazony when your MO seems to be always trying to prove to progressives that you're not conservative?
1:06:10 We might be too rich to collapse anytime soon.
1:07:01 Is it actually true China has zero welfare state?
1:08:12 Does everyone still have the power to live well in this dying world?
1:10:20 Do objectivist find beauty in the natural world. Don't take that as endorsesment of naturalistic art I am a romantic. But in the real natural world.
1:14:04 I'm living well in this world, and I'm no genius.
1:17:27 Isn't the problem of economics reconciling conflciting views. Mises said consumers rule. Say said the market rules. and Ayn Rand the producers rule. Isn't economics almost closer to an art form because all these views have merit.
1:23:37 At this point, 2023, after Jan, 6, with everything that is known, how are there people who are still "undecided" about voting again for Trump? By now either you like him or hate him. How could there still be people unsure?
1:26:20 ARI has a deep, insightful video on Rand’s criticism of original sin. It’s an attack on being qua being. Why do you think man accepted it or still accepts it?
1:31:37 How would you respond to someone saying, how can Ayn Rand know what is in everyone’s own rational interest?
1:35:19 Ukraine was set to disable the Russian fleet blockading Ukrainian grain exports. Elon Musk turned off Starlink access for the Ukrainian systems that needed access to carry this out. What is your judgement? How should one act?
1:46:28 The concept of value unites a perception with a purpose. Is politics of unclear value because it offers an abundance of perception to win votes with unclear or arbitrary purposes or 'ends'. Tyranny the logic of propoganda?
1:48:19 How was Ayn Rand so sure about people's psychological motives? How does she know certain segments of society are motivated by envy or nihilism? She probably never experience envious, nihilistic or evasive psychological states in her life?
1:51:38 what can be done to encourage proper positive economics on money and other issues that can counter the Keynesian nonsense that is mainstream?
1:53:12 Do you find people often disappoint you? How do you bounce back from it spiritually?
1:54:54 Have you seen The Mummy and The Mummy Returns? what did you think of those films?
1:55:54 A show on Sumerian roots of Judeochristian faith?
1:57:22 I get the sense Musk and others on the Right are not on Russia’s side per se, but almost protective of Russia that it is not being treated unfairly by the West. Is that egalitarianism or other thoughts on their attitude?
2:02:06 Isn't politics as the 'logic' of State survival in asymmetric relationship with individual prosperity as 'freedom' and 'rights' and therefore ultimately willing to sacrifice freedom for 'tyranny'.
2:04:05 Rcently insurance companies are bailing on certain states or increasing premiums by more than 20%. How does one rationalize staying in a place they cannot afford in the future since they can barely afford it now?
2:06:34 I have a few 100 hour work weeks in front of me. How do you stay pumped when you are working long hours and traveling? I love what I do, just looking to see a different way to be excited for the long hours ahead.
2:09:32 See pinned comment for timestamps of additional questions

2:12:40 Outro

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