The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 299 - Babylon Warfare Pt E

11 months ago

What is the root of warfare? It is the selfish lust and desire for control, power and glory. That IS the very HEART OF SATAN. That is what is being expressed through the Jesuit Military Order and it’s Hierarchy of Control World Government!

The beginning of war is God’s promise to Satan in Genesis 3:15 saying, “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; it shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.”

This is a declaration of WAR to Satan that ultimately his HEAD which symbolizes POWER and CONTROL would be “bruised” by the coming Messiah. Bruise in Hebrew is “SHUPH” meaning to break, bruise or overwhelm. HEAD in Hebrew is “ROSH” which can also be translated as “Chiefs” or “Captains.” God was telling Satan in advance that he was going to lose. Satan went out and became the “INSTIGATOR” for war, violence, bloodshed and death through all empires and all ages. He is the god of War tempting fallen men and women into conflict for him with the false promise of “glory” and “godhood” as a hero in battle. SATAN’S Captains are the 4th SEE BEAST PAPACY and the EARTH BEAST JESUIT GENERAL of the 4th IRON BEAST trampling and crushing the nations. They will be crushed COMPLETELY ultimately and finally as payment for all the crushing of the peoples they have done!

Learn more at:

How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God!

Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost!

The Holy Spirit

The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast”

The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception

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