😡😡😡 The Covid shot was not about Covid, it was about depopulation…

1 year ago

population control…
planting pathogens, mRNA, luciferase, nanotechnology, graphene hydroxide and hydrogel into humanity, all about leading the sheep to the slaughter.
Remember while we was in so called lock down the UK government employed foreigners to build 5g masts all over the Country? We told you the death jab runs in concurrent with the 5g??? we have seen many people die but a lot are still alive, many are our family, friends and loved ones…
The death jab has many side effects, according to this man when they turn up these 5g masts to broadcast a 18 gigahertz signal a Pathogen will be released into people who received the jab putting them into zombie like state…
There will be another epidemic and it will get their attention this time. ~: Bill gates
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