Outside - I'll Be Glad When You're Dead (book promotional video)

1 year ago

OUTSIDE by David Halk
Traveling outside the body sounds like a cool idea to Andrew Ward, but he discovers the world beyond holds dangers no mortal should meet.

Andrew Ward’s past is filled with loss and adversity. During Andrew’s college years, Nick had been his closest friend, and also the catalyst that propelled Andrew through a torrent of reckless violence and debauchery...until Nick died, and not leaving on the best of terms.

Since then Andrew has spent the past eight years bettering himself. He is now coping with the loss in his life and distancing himself from the rampant acts of vengeance he had committed when lashing out at the world. He still struggles with remnants of that past lingering within him, but he has built a life worth living in a modest apartment in a small town by the mountains, working a steady job as a drafter, and dating a woman he loves more than anything.

But life is still no easy ride; work is stressful, a relationship has its friction, and people in general still grate on the nerves. Tutored in the ways of the paranormal by his friend Rick Mason, Andrew finds escape from this world by traveling into the world between worlds: the astral plane. Through astral projection, Andrew occasionally goes outside his body and travels ethereally. Unseen and unheard, he wanders the astral plane, where one may move with the freedom of a spirit through this world, and also where many strange and unearthly things abide.

Andrew practices his out-of-body travels at night, finding peace and solace in the old cemetery outside of town, until one evening he encounters the dark man, a being of eerie and frightening presence. On further journeys into the ethereal world, Andrew discovers things of great wonder and beauty in its depths, until one night the most unimaginable calamity occurs and everything is taken from him in an instant. Against insurmountable odds, Andrew must struggle using every last bit of cleverness, wit, and courage he has to reclaim all that he has lost, or forever be banished to the netherworld.

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