800 U.S. Military Pilots Face Discharge Due to VAX Status During a Pilot Shortage Crisis - 10/24/22

9 months ago

Never mind that last week, The Heritage Foundation rated the overall US military capability as “Weak”, and the U.S. Air Force as being: "Very Weak", based on the two Major Regional Contingency (MRC) standard. The assessment states “The USAF... is short 650 pilots, the average age of its fighter aircraft fleet is 32 years old, and pilots are flying barely more than once per week across all types of aircraft”. The foundation later said “it remains to be seen whether retention rates can be sustained to meet long-range manning needs in the face of a tightening labor market and dismissals for non-compliance with COVID vaccine mandates.”

The Heritage Foundation - An Assessment of U.S. Military Power: https://www.heritage.org/military/an-assessment-of-us-military-power
The Heritage Foundation - Assessment of the U.S. Air Force: https://www.heritage.org/military-strength/assessment-us-military-power/us-air-force
(Oct 24, 2022) Steve Bannon's War Room: https://rumble.com/v1pl74j-john-bowes-the-us-military-is-grounding-hundreds-of-fighter-pilots-only-for.html

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