1 year ago

Yom Teruah September 14, 2023, 6:46 PM - Friday, September 15, 2023
Rosh Hashanah (eve of Sept. 15 through 17), Head of the New Year
Sukkoth: September 29-October 6, 2023
Dates are debated... From 911 to 119!

Is this interpretation of prophecy reliable and true?
OR will it prove to be one of the many false prophecies that Messiah warned us about. Time shall SOON tell!
NTL say Russian is going to launch its final BIG attack something at the end of September. Beforehand, NTL told us Sept.-Oct was going to be a huge turning point. Now we have THIS to consider!

Remember how Messiah's words, in Revelations warned us to use discernment, regarding "the Holy place"? Here, the claim is that CV is the abomination, although I'd say its the poison injected that truly is. They divide the days and evenings, counting a morning and sunset offering. It appears to add up, but who knows, except for Abba and our Almighty King crowned with judgement?
The Prince of Peace, who well earned it! All power was given over into his hands. I could go DEEP!!!

The first day of Trumpets, all is quiet. It is upon the second day the Shofar sounds! ARE WE ALMOST THERE? Like the gent says, we are now awaiting the first one. 1/3 of Earth destroyed or burnt up, signaling the final 42 months.

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