9/11/23 Is Trump Your Idol? "American Idol(atry)" part 1 S3E6p1

10 months ago

“Is Trump Your Idol?”
The once-popular TV show “American Idol” debuted before I was a practicing Christian, yet even then I knew enough about idolatry to wonder why we were using that word as a positive thing to be emulated. Now, 20-odd years later, the problem of American idolatry has worsened! As our society has become more pagan broadly in the 21st century, so too have the hearts of many – even believers! – become more open to idolatry as well. This week on Something’s Happening Here, we tackle the elephant in the room – the great big American idol of the moment – former president Donald Trump. People have likened him to the Lord and to the devil, but on this show we firmly declare that he is neither, but can easily become an idol in our hearts – and has already for many people. But flashy TV show aside, idolatry is always hateful to God, so let’s learn about this problem before it’s too late!

"American Idol(atry)" Part 1: 9/11/23
This week on our sixth episode of Season Three, we make everybody mad by exploring the spiritual phenomenon of turning Donald Trump into an idol.

Season 3 Episode 6
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