NM Governor is more impatient for the Collapse than Alcman

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New Mexico Governor uses a declaration of public health emergency to ban guns for 30 days in Albuquerque. The military says many of our bases have been compromised by the Chinese. Biden considers a Stay in Texas policy. Fans at Yankee stadium unfurl a Trump or Death banner. All this and more!

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Link to The Boog Book

New Mexico governor temporarily bans guns, declaring it a health order

The US has been having its first wide-scale military exercises in the Pacific in 10 years
ForwardObserver.com for Thursday

Many of our military installations are compromised by the Chinese
ForwardObserver.com for Wednesday

Biden considering a stay-in-Texas rule

Fans at Yankee stadium show Trump or Death banner

Hunter Biden likely to be indicted by the end of the month, Pres Biden may be called to testify

Enrique Tarrio sentenced to 22 years in prison

Fulton County grand jury votes to indict several GOP senators, but the prosecutor decided not to pursue despite pursuing Trump and others

Elon Musk interferes in Ukraine-Russia war

Per the IAEA, Iran has increased its stocks of uranium. This could lead to an Israeli first strike.

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