The assets, like the Mahwah Mansion, are crucial evidence in Mr. Miles Guo's case

1 year ago

9/9/2023 【Miles Insight】Paul Hastings argued that only the Connecticut Bankruptcy Court can decide the stay for the bankruptcy case. However, they failed to acknowledge that assets, like the Mahwah Mansion, are crucial evidence in Mr. Guo's criminal case. Selling them before the criminal case concludes would be like destroying evidence. Luc is eager to sell the assets in order to receive his share of the proceeds asap.
#MilesGuo #NFSC #TakedowntheCCP
9/9/2023 【Nicole看七哥】普衡律所提出破产案只有康州的破产法庭有权力决定是否中止,但他们根本没有提及破产案所涉及的包括像马瓦基地这些资产已被视为郭先生刑事案的证据。在刑事案未完成审理前,出售这些资产等于销毁证据。卢克想尽快出售这些资产也不过就是想尽快拿到他的律师费而已。
#郭文贵 #新中国联邦 #消灭中共

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