The alliance of the Axis of Evil was formed through the supply of technology and barter trade

9 months ago

9/9/2023 【Miles Insight】Changdao Brother: The alliance of the Axis of Evil countries was formed through the supply of technology and barter trade, contrary to the allies that cooperated in previous wars, such as WWI and WWII, through financial or political conditions. This means the Axis of Evil can evade the control of the US dollar and long-arm jurisdiction. What is even more horrifying is that these three countries have nuclear and biochemical weapons, and in the future, when more countries join them, nuclear and biochemical weapons will be all over the place!
#NFSC #TakedowntheCCP
9/9/2023 【Nicole看七哥】长岛哥:这次邪恶轴心国结盟是通过提供技术和物物交换,而过去一战、二战等战争中盟军合作是通过金融或政治条件。这意味着邪恶轴心国能躲避美元的掌控和长臂管辖权;更恐怖的是,这三个邪恶轴心国都有核武器和生化武器,未来当更多国家加入到邪恶轴心联盟后,核武器和生化武器将遍地都是!
#新中国联邦 #消灭中共

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