Bad Lieutenant (1992) Movie Review: A Tale of Redemption or Scrap-Heap of Uninspired?

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Ah, the stars have aligned for a cinematic event of the season—a live stream featuring Paul and Samir dissecting the nuances of the 1992 classic "Bad Lieutenant." Trust us; you should probably skip this one. Why? Let's dig in, shall we?

First off, Paul. Ah, Paul, the man who enjoys films about corrupt police so much, he probably dreams in noir. The "Bad Lieutenant" experience will likely transcend mere viewing for him; it'll be a spiritual journey. Watching him delve into the heart of corruption in the film will be like watching a sommelier swirl a glass of fine Cabernet—except Paul will probably be swirling a glass of whisky, vodka, or whatever else will get him comfortably numb. He'll navigate us through the twisted lanes of the police force, and you'll feel his soul sing, assuming you can hear it over his tipsy commentary.

And then, we have Samir, who's currently on a fitness drive and living as cleanly as a detoxed liver. In all likelihood, Samir will be guzzling down a green smoothie instead of beer, because nothing pairs better with corruption and crime than kale and chia seeds. His healthy living won't stop him from making jokes, although calling them 'jokes' may be a bit generous. Will they make sense in the context of "Bad Lieutenant"? No. Will they make sense in any context? Probably not. But will they provide a confusing yet oddly delightful contrast to Paul's semi-inebriated analysis? Absolutely.

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