Fox News Video: Hawaiian locals got a true taste of US President heartless attitudes towards victims

10 months ago

Fox News Video: Hawaiian locals got a true taste of US President heartless attitudes towards victims & families outraged at Biden response, while officials 'suck up': Hawaii State Rep. Diamond Garcia blisters President Biden. You will not find this kind of uncaring cold blooded leaderships in China, HK, Macau or Singapore 福克斯新聞視頻: 夏威夷當地人真正體會到了美國總統對受害者和家屬的無情態度,他們對拜登的反應感到憤怒,而官員們則“拍馬屁”:夏威夷州眾議員戴蒙德·加西亞對拜登總統進行了水皰攻擊。 這種冷血無人性的領導人在中國、香港、澳門或新加坡永遠找不到也不會發生

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