Ringo / Bish Fly F 15E Strike Eagles

10 months ago

Ringo was nice enough to send me the F-15E Strike Eagle module, being developed by Razbam Simulations, as a thank you gift for helping him get setup & kicking butt in DCS. We haven't been able to fly it due to real life getting in the way! So tonight was the first chance we both had where we could fly the Mudhen together online! Thank you again Ringo! The F-15E SE is my new "go to" jet in DCS! I look forward to kicking some serious virtual rear end with it together in the future!

Unfortunately, RL (Real Life) got in the way about 3/4 of the way through the mission and we had to end it early. There's still some good entertaining events and some teachable moments that might help some new players. We're trying to get this going again soon and we will either do this on a server or on another self made mission except it will be in the early morning and not so dark! Check Six!!

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