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Disseminating a Dream: CHILDREN and the POWER to INFLUENCE
Powerful work where we see from the perspective of the parents of the children who will be vaxed….using the method of ‘being’ (channeling), the character from the dream.
I describe a dream I had, which I want to disseminate with Kari, to understand the message embedded within it. I describe the main images to decipher.
Mud, White undergarments, black shoes, apathetic adults, children and a front department store doorway. Six elements in total.
3.52 Kari joins me
4.40 How much can we influence, just by our presence? I explain how the white draco have given this a ‘bad rep’, as they are known for the ability to stand in your proximity and drown-out all your own thoughts. Their power of thought being so intense, because they had to ‘go sideways, where we can go up’- meaning our spiritual connection and their lack of it.
5.00 We can also have our activated auric field, which brushes past everyone we touch, the question being, how can we get that really consciously activated.
5.22 Kari has practised this using her heart-field. We talk about how to extend this into THOUGHT inspiration, not ‘just’ love.
6.10 Kari :”What would be the thought?” And I say I want to know HOW to do it- the mechanics of it.
Knowing we all have free will, I want to develop this to at least neutralise the opposite specific targeting of the people involved.
6.50 Kari says the EBS should be exposing everything about Covid in September.
8.30 I thank Kari for being here with me tonight.
9.00 I explain how we are going to go about deciphering the dream, symbol by symbol.
9.28 I explain the dream to Kari
11.55 I want to find out : what the mud is. The significance of the white undergarments, the black shoes, the adults, the doorway and the children.
12.34 I invite agri to make a special ‘nook’ in her soul room where she can feel very comfortable to do this investigative work.
12.50 We will go into our soul rooms, and have a conversation with each of the elements.
“You’re gonna chat to mud and I’m gonna chat to mud and then we’ll compare notes.” (Chuckles.)
13.13 We count down to enter the soul room. I have planted a tree in mine with a hammock and Kari has added a restaurant booth which overlooks her canyon, down to the waterfall.
14.41 On Kari’s table is menu, with all the elements listed. We count down to begin conversing with ‘mud’: what it symbolises, what it means and what it wants to tell us.
In summary: Kari “the dirty, unprocessed, yucky stuff, people don’t want to deal with.” Left alone, dejected, cover-up, hidden undiscussed things sedimented, tragic old stories untold, the sludge of memory left in the mind, Kari: “people don’t want to think about anything, or want to process anything- they want things to be normal…”
17.21 The white, white, white laundry. “Edification, a basis of argument.” ( Edification: the improvement of the mind and understanding, especially by learning . Gematria= 266 Do you believe in coincidences, the unthinkable will happen, secret code of the freemasons, “september 23, )
Kari is seeing a “strange canal of water, going to the front door of the departments store 1.5’ wide.” I also get “The untouchable whiteness.”- untouchable innocence, purity, unsulliable.
20.00 Kari gets “its like the Mormon garments, they are trying to retain the child’s innocence and purity.“ Hiding their innocence. I got “Fripparies extend beyond the surface.” (Gematria 360 “Interconnectedness everything. Gematria is a bio hologram testing device’. ‘A simulation inside the simulation’) and Checkerboard of illuminati, which would have been the floor. Instead of the floor there are three d objects - white garments and shoes ( which are next). Kari “the garments have a connection with the peoples’ guilt and shame- left on the chairs… And me guarding innocence.
23.00 The black shoes: different sizes of children’s shoes.
“Exclamation point.” No matter how much mud there is, its very easy for children to shake it off. Their innocence and high energy can ‘throw stuff off’. Kari: “the children are being thoughtful and innocent, doing what is right, their sweetness and kindness.”
26.26 Adults on the chairs: “nonchalant” turning their heads away- ‘look over there!’ No aggression, but passivity.
27.24 I can take the role of the parents and Kari can ask me questions: Kari “What are you wanting to proceed with the vaccinations of the children?
“We have a lot to do! Here’s my handbag. - My purse. Very busy, lots of appointments.
Kari “Did you realise that the vaccinations have been documented to be very harmful to everyone” - She just chuckles, then “ Oh, what, you’re serious?”
Kari “I have put in thousands of hours of study to find the truth that’s been hidden form all of us. - SO that the children would actually become sick throughout hate lifetime and need a lot of medical care which helps to make the medical industry a lot of money. And some of them have dies and some of them have gotten cancer, and I have the data, the stories, the statistics, everything needed to prove my case. Would you like to hear it?” “No. You’re trying to scare me, you’re trying to scare me, I am just looking after them.”
Kari “I see. So it doesn’t matter to you that the statistics have shown that children are becoming very ill, and there are things in the vaccines, and are deadly. And you refuse to listen and you are willing to put your children at risk because you don’t want to listen to the facts?”
(cautiously now) “Im not so sure where your facts come from.”
Kari “They come for doctors who have been trying to warn us about the vaccines- many of them front-line doctors, many of them experts that have dropped out of the medical field in order to try to get through to us what’s been going on with the depopulation program that has been in place for many, many years. Would you like to learn more about it? I can send you some information.”
“Umm….well, you see, my friend… she said something very different.”
Kari “Would it be best to maybe investigate before ewe put all these children at risk- without knowing?”
“That’…yes, yes, yes, but erm…it’s just a flu shot, it’s the time of the year…and that’s just recommended these days…”
Kari “Well, these doctors of great renown and great standing and great acclaim, who are now not working in the medical field because of this, are warning us: they quit their jobs
they gave up their careers in order to study this, and there’s hundreds, if not thousands who are standing together in order to try warn the world of this, and yet there are so many that still believe in the old medical establishment. - And willing to put their children at risk, without hearing this information.”
I explain what ‘the parent’ is feeling: ‘the dissonance has reached her heart. The new information is causing arrhythmia. It’s causing her heart to change its frequency vibration and it’s making it shake in a weird kind of quaky way.” its like a dolphin’s sonar changing things…Kari is like the dolphin sonar, which is having to change ‘me’ but its feeling so weird and so uncomfortable, that she really just wants to run away and get Kari to be quiet.
She had another thought, which she couldn’t say out loud, ‘but the nurses say it’s fine!’ She couldn’t even utter that, because Kari had put enough doubt into her mind. She was trying to convince herself : ‘they say it’s fine and I’ve trusted them and they’re looking after them and they’re good….’ And yet the other information was causing this contrast.
(We got to the end of our session and had to start up a new one.)
32.48 I think people will find this really useful, because it’s putting people in ‘their’ shoes.
Kari felt a little hesitant, saying she doesn’t know where to send people for information.
33.00 I remind Kari she could just send everybody to the website of Healing for the AGES ( ) We haven’t had anything tis thorough up until this moment, but now all of the information can be found in one place.
34.33 Me reminding Kari, it is the “calm surety that you have…you don’t need to know all the information, you just need to know where it is.”
35.22 Experiencing how the ‘meme version’ of the ‘parents’ felt- I am sure that kind of experience is happening in a lot of people.
35.44 We ask about the shopfront:
36.26 “Determination to leave.” And “the collection point.” - a place everybody understands, a gateway. Going outside, going beyond, was the more important thing.
Kari “the entrapment..” ( I remind Kari that every little tiny thing she gets is information. )
Kari: “Inappropriateness- an inappropriate gathering.- behind a store front? And ‘things for sale’. Fake, mannequin people just following whatever they are given.
Are the people for sale? Why are they meeting at a shop? inappropriate- off, it’s off!”
37.57 My grave disappointment with my favourite eco clothing company- because we accept what is offered to us is good. And it’s the same with the jabs. Kari “You’re just going to buy whatever’s in the window….”
38.40 I could see through the window to the outside…unusually. Kari: “the whole thing about being trapped inside, you know, we’ve been living apart from nature, which is the feminine, which is the heart, which is caring about children and nature and the whole…men and women….” And I add , the leaning towards having everything ‘ready-made’ and boxed and wrapped rather that asking behind the processing of it and how do we develop it and that conscious choice aspect.
39.00 Kari: “It’s like the whole meeting was inside this, ‘what’s given to you’, what’s supposed to be, what’s the standard, and you’re gonna buy it and you’re just going to represent that, and that’s it.”
39.39 I recall the part of the dream again where I was standing next to the big windows in the space minus the mud. I was always where the natural light was.
39.49 We see if we can talk to the children, in the same way we did with the adults. We do a countdown first to ask of the symbolic meaning and then engage in a conversation.
The children are busy, doing stuff by themselves. Kari got they were jumping for joy because they didn’t want to get any more shots. She also saw fires- a circle of them, starting up.
41.15 I step in as the children’s voice for Kari to question. “Well look, it’s kinda interesting We’re burning things.- see there’s a lizard. Someone found a lizard.” Kari: “So you’re getting rid of things… oh your passion is playing!”
“We’re not really allowed to do that too course, huh! But now we’re out here, we can do that.”
Kari “Oh I totally get that- fire’s fascinating, isn’t it?”
“Mmmm. Dangerous. (cheeky face.)”
Kari speaks of their passion- not being killed by the shots, and I quote, (from a good time in the Abraham Hicks message, before ‘they’ advocated the shots) that if their vibe is big enough, even the shots may not ‘stick’. Can the high frequency joy of the children completely overwrite the graphene oxide and Mrna influence?
43.43 Kari was seeing me talking to these adults: “Just bringing your beauty, your grace into that room with the information that you hold, and the intent; that your field permeates everyone sitting there. That you’re holding this heart-space, and you’r opening them up. You won’t even need to say a word.” ( I was hoping Kari was going to say that.)
I was feeling the information building like a little filing cabinet within me, and the connection with these four brilliant doctors and what they are doing with this weekend- and this knowledge field, that it was within me, and it was emanating out like a thought-form that I wanted to see, which is really what I asked you to do today: which is, ‘how can we influence people?’ And you just said it, I love that, thank you! it was like it was ‘quanta energy packets’ being dispersed. “ Kari “Have a quanta energy packet for your heart!” (chuckles) They are going to hear and feel, “This is not right. Why are we doing this?” Truth is going to bubble up inside them, that they can hear truth.
I wont be doing a talk, but every time I am in the public sphere around the parents, I will be thinking-feeling this…
47.00 Recounting the conversation I had with WATER, to Kari. “Every molecule of us that gets evaporated from your body, takes the signature of thought into the structure of water. ( )
48.48 Kari recounts a beautiful place at Mount Shasta, where her desire to experience a cloud brought it on top of her. Nature responds to our love for it. The exchange of information and love and communication IS possible. We just haven’t been used to recognising it. -the animals already do it….
51.00 I refer to a video with Dr. Kimberly McGeorge the normalcy of working with the weather, chatting to the fairies etc.
52.30 We have the energy emanating from us, our thoughts and feelings, the air ( containing water vapour ) and all the water we exude. Multiple fields who which we populate our world with our soul influence. We’ve got many different pathways for frequency and information to reach others and that’s exciting.
53.00 Kari retelling an experience of creating spinning vortices above her head, so that the energy of her higher self could come down inside the body. The high energy of the spirit can be increased so that when It moves into a body full of resistance , it is more possible for it to be able to enter. Because of the food we eat and the energy surrounding us, it’s been traditionally hard for a whole soul to get into a body.
54.20 Kari would enter a big church or auditorium, and imagine the energy swirling, and having SO MUCH FUN as she was intending for the upliftment and the light to fill everything.
55.00 I refer to the video from the day previously, as I realised what I actually DID DO. I encourage Kari to take her energy vortices and begin to use it for her work, to create the place, the events. Imagine that this high frequency energy is filing the space she is going to be working from. If we don’t get our full message out, we are into being useful to the world.
57.56 Kari quotes Danny Morel “You know why I have miracles? because I listen when it’s not right, and I say ‘yes’ to when it’s just right.” And she illustrates this with trusting her own knowledge rather than that of a psychic.
I realise the main job is to boost our energy levels (frequency), referring to the manifestation video explaining ‘thrill’ ( ) and how I am practicing this in my daily work with children- raising their energy levels consciously showing them how to reach these states.
1.02.02 We can start expanding our idea of what it means to be in a place : we can allow ourselves to occupy places other than where we are physically planted. The imaginative realms or in my cases spanning two continents. We can begin to experiment with this. Spending time in the imaginative realm to build our ‘dreams’ (Aboriginal dream time…) this is becoming the work and more possible every day.
Traditionally we have thought we have to act and work linearly, and I believe we are changing the way we can create and experience. Moving into more multi-dimensionality- the thing that Saggis are good at (Kari, I, and my man are all Saggitarian…).
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“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”
You can message me on this page using the email box if you would like to engage in one of these sessions yourself- to expand your tools, your awareness or to re-activate something specific. I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £30 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.
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