1 year ago

Join us as we discuss Paul speaking briefly about the tribulation and the events in the order that must happen prior to the return of our Messiah Yahsua. Many believe they will be raptured off the earth but that’s not what Yahweh said, the Prophets, or the Apostles. The Church, Daughter of Zion, or Remnant is called up in the sky to meet The Messiah and 144 upon His return at the 7th trump or the beginning of the seven thousandth year bringing us into the thousand year reign. After the thousand year reign we will be with The Father for all eternity. Everything we need to understand in Revelation is written in the Prophets first so it’s critical that we have understanding in Torah or The Law first and then we study The Prophets, and the we can move into the fulfillment of the more than 300 hundred prophecies our Messiah has and will fulfill in The New Testament through The Apostles. The biggest mistake a believer can make is start with Paul’s letters and then try to understand Revelation. This method is taught by the modern day church and it’s designed to leave people confused about the trinity, once saved always saved, saved by confession by name only, the law being done away with, the sabbath is everyday, all foods are clean, and many more unbiblical doctrines that do not align with scripture at all. Although this is just a short review we pray that you would take the word and study it out for yourself. Yah bless! 

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