piano punk + air freshener + apologies for the sound

9 months ago

i shouldn't play right now goin round this curve
some days we drive slow
i hate getting off the exit, i suck at merging
omg that sound i'm sari vortex
it never occurred to me that i couldn't play music in my car
people that follow the rules bore me
no rule that says you can't play piano n drive at the same time
not letting women drive solves way more problems haha
i fret when there's one thing i gotta do but gimme 25 n i'll do em all
i'll excel just to prove that i'm capable
no motivation when it's too easy for me
self-acceptance is way better than lying to oneself
the person that you are when everyone else is gone
i'm a lot closer than most
i'm honest to my detriment but i can't quit
you never stop seeking the truth if that's what chu want
so perplexed by those predicting what's gonna happen next
typically way more right than anyone but i don't enjoy it
i love these camera shots
you don't need to see my face, what good is it anyway
vanity is not a good thing
this is so nostalgic haha
the problem is the solution, they are all one in the same
zoom out long enough, that's all we do
people are so hung up in the details (women EVERYONE)
masculinity can't prevail w/ technology
whatever they say we're doin, it seems that we're moving backwards
i love how i keep trying to push the air freshener outta the way, to no avail
your soul is more important than stuff
there's too much stuff, no room for God
the one you're not lookin at cos she don't give a fuck about camera work...ME! it's me!
i do this at least 5 x every hour
we have so much fun yawl

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