To create an animated navigation bar in HTML and CSS,

9 months ago

HTML Structure:Use HTML <nav> element to wrap your navigation bar.Create a list using <ul> and list items <li> for your navigation links.CSS Keywords and Concepts:display: flex; or display: grid;: Use flexbox or grid layout to structure and position your navigation items.justify-content and align-items: To control the alignment of items within your navigation bar.background-color: Set a background color for your navigation bar.transition: Apply transition effects to achieve animations.hover: Use the :hover pseudo-class to trigger animations when hovering over navigation items.transform: Apply transformations like scaling or translating for animation effects.@keyframes: Define custom animations using keyframes.CSS Selectors:Use CSS selectors to target specific elements or states (e.g., :hover) for styling and animation.
This example uses basic CSS properties and animations to create a hover effect on the navigation items. You can further customize and enhance the animation based on your design requirements.

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